2023 International RF-SOI Workshop will be held at Pudong Shangri-La hotel in Shanghai on October 24th, 2023. It is organized by VeriSilicon and Simgui, and supported by SEMI China and SOI Industry Consortium.
The Workshop will be focused on application and its opportunity for SOI industry. Keynote speaker will include 5G carrier, system provider, device maker and SOI material supplier. They will provide insight on the latest development on SOI market and application. Besides, there will be session on 5G and application, SOI value chain and SOI ecosystem as well as panel discussion. It will be focused on SOI design, foundry platform and service for SOI application. Worldwide SOI supply chain will also be presented.
The targeted participation is C-level, VP technology owners and industry influencers and 300+ key people are expected to attend the event. There will have a very strong representation of system companies, fabless, foundries, SOI wafers and substrate companies. This event will offer the opportunity to listen and network with executives, decision makers and technology owners from leading companies in China and around the world.
In addition, Shanghai FD-SOI Forum 2023 will be held at the same hotel, Pudong Shangri-La, on October 23th. world.
* Registration for FD and RF conference are independent. If you would like to attend the FD-SOI Forum, please click HERE for registration.